Cat and Nat
Emerging superstar mom influencers Cat and Nat needed to solidify their brand in the fast-paced social media and entertainment 'mom space.'
After jumping into their Brand Surge a go-to brand kit, guidelines, and assets were rapidly created and delivered across multiple platforms.
After two weeks of launching their identity foundation, the former disjointed brand flourished into a recognizable and dominant entertainment mom duo with followers increasing by hundreds of thousands and growing!
Cat and Nat
Emerging superstar mom influencers Cat and Nat needed to solidify their brand in the fast-paced social media and entertainment 'mom space.'
After jumping into their Brand Surge a go-to brand kit, guidelines, and assets were rapidly created and delivered across multiple platforms.
After two weeks of launching their identity foundation, the former disjointed brand flourished into a recognizable and dominant entertainment mom duo with followers increasing by hundreds of thousands and growing!
More brand
for your buck.
More brand
for your buck.

Your Brand Surge is an intensive process designed to build your entire brand in a short amount of time. In order to make the process go smoothly, as much as possible of the backend research and creative work is done beforehand.
This means that by the Presentation and Intensive Workshop day there has been a lot of strategic work based on the Brand Wake brief that you approved. The plan has been developed to build an impactful brand to set you up for the world domination you’ve been dreaming of!
Complete your intake form below and click here to see where you are in your Brand Surge process.
You are here.
01 Deep Dive Brand Wake Interview
02 Brand Wake Document Delivery – via email
03 Brand Wake Review Meeting – zoom meeting
04 Start Your Brand Surge
Fill out the intake form above. Please take note that the Brand Development phase CAN NOT START without submission of the completed form.
05 Brand Development
06 Final Invoice Due
The final half of the Brand Surge balance is due one business day before your Brand Presentation and Intensive Workshop.
07 Brand Presentation and Intensive Workshop – zoom meeting
08 Brand Assets Delivery – via email